For Individuals, Families, and Small Groups

Learning Trip

The purpose of the Learning Trip is to provide opportunities to see how God is working around the world and discover healthy approaches to equipping and empowering people in developing countries.

About this trip...

The purpose of the Learning Trip is to provide opportunities to see how God is working around the world and discover healthy approaches to equipping and empowering people in developing countries. As a participant, you will have an opportunity to learn what Makarios does and why we do it, to invest in our communities through local churches and schools, to participate in cross-cultural mutual learning opportunities, to learn how to extend your impact through long-term partnerships and how to live 'on mission' for the sake of Christ.

This Learning Trip is designed for individuals, families, and small groups wanting to participate in a cross-cultural trip but not  traveling with an existing church or school partner.

Learning Trips consist of 6 days, with 4 full days in-country and 1 travel day on each side. The typical participants of a Learning Trip are individuals, families, small groups, or youth groups.


$675 All in-country expenses of hosting, food, and transportation are included. Airfare cost is additional and arrangements are made by participant. More information regarding approved airports and arrival/departure times will be available upon registration.


Email Makarios Trips for specific information about trip opportunities and to acquire a date!

Sign Up!

Interested in going on this trip? Let's get some information about your group below.